Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fave Movie Openings and Videos

In the vast space of the world wide web, there are plenty of different things to see. Be it internet memes or cat videos, there's always something new floating along in the internet. While most of these things are low quality gags for us to watch when we really have nothing else better to do, there are quite a few gems out there. I'm talking some serious Grade A stuff. Here are a few of my favorite videos and openings- some professional, some fan made, all amazing!


So this video is so funny to me. First, I really like G-Eazy's music and this song is quality. Secondly, I love the editing in this video. It's so simple yet it actually took a lot to edit the video together. The giant heads are genius. I enjoyed the black and white instead of color, which helps to keep views from being too overwhelmed from the giant heads.


Here's another really great song. I love the beat a lot but the gold is in the music video. There's this one scene with a ton of bald guys and they all have their heads down and a few at a time lift their hads up to sing different parts of the chorus. There's another scene where there's this eally nice dimensional camera shake, where you would need to have four different lenses placed near each other. This video is so great just from the amount of effcts they shoved into the video that is just camerawork. The editing is quite humbling. 

This video will make you cry so TISSUE WARNING! You have been warned. 
This song is beautiful but it's the story in it that made me bawl in the library the first time I saw it. There's a beautiful black gay couple in the video who obviously lov each other. I don't want to be the only one crying so I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it already. However, the beautiful scenes from the symphony switching to the scenes of their relationship are hauntingly beautiful to say the least.

This is absolutely hilarious. I happened upon this ad on youtube when I was waiting for the video to load. The countdown finally finished to skip and my mouse was working its way across the screen when bam! She comes out the tub fully clothed, and the madness begins. There's one part where this kid gets hurt and it's tummy acher for sure. This is wild from start to finish and was one of the few ads I actually watched through to the end instead of skipping. The pacing of the jokes were near perfection and the visuals were great. 

This video is kind of strange but beautiful non-the-less. It shows ancient Japanese dress, music, dance and puppetry all in one short video. It's a perfect combination of new and old and a great way to introduce yourself into becoming more interested in  Japanese and other Asian cultures. The key to this video is minimal editing and everyone staying right on key with the music. Their other videos are really cool so you should check them out. Don't limit yourself just to what I show you!

So I was pretty sad to find out that this wasn't a real project. This was an April Fools joke made by Mike Intel. He does Anime/Chibi-style animations that are so cool. In this one he made a fake trailer for a visual novel for a fan made universe of Gravity Falls called Reverse Falls, where the good guys are bad and the bad guys are good. I love the cuts and the flip from the originals to the reversed versions. The remix of the music was also a nice touch. Mike Intel tends to re-imagine different cartoons or games into anime style which is really cool for a lot of people to see, and while its very common for people to "japify" the beloved cartoons, seeing them in motion is a rare treat. He has done this with three indie horror games and compiled them into a video titled "Compiled Memories". It's Mad Father, Ib and The Witches House. They're all linked. Check 'em out!

Another Mike Intel video here! I just really like his stuff! This is a beautiful animation completely in black and white and all shades in between. It follows a happy young boy and his friend out trick or treating. It's really a sweet story. What I love so much about it is how no one speaks a word but you hear all you need to hear through clear face and body language. I also enjoyed the upbeat music and happy tone of the video which really goes against the stereotype for horror and Halloween. This is a must watch to the end because I promise it will leave you with either tears or jaw to the floor.

This movie had so much hype it was overwhelming, and they owe a lot of that to deal with the cute sugar skulls and this bomb trailer. First our ears are blessed with the vocals of Brendon Urie (who is currently all of Panic! At The Disco) singing the one and only- Bohemian Rhapsody. That's right. This bomb trailer with this bomb singer is singing a bomb song by a bomb group. Boom baby, it's on!  We see these villains in their current homes, specially made prison cells. Cut to our beloved psychopaths and criminals doing what they do best, kicking butt and wreaking havoc as the music picks up sending you down a head banging path to whiplash. Never have I seen music more perfectly timed with the different hits and punches. You get immersed and can't come out of it. In my opinion the movie held a lot to be yearned for but it is what it is. At least we have this masterpiece of a trailer, right?

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Best Designed

Best Designed: 

Best Designed:

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Best Designed:

 Best Designed:

 Best Designed:

Best Designed:

Best Designed: